Pirate Dance

"I hope you don't mind that I put down in words...
how wonderful life is while you're in the world"
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It would be easier for me to answer how it hasnt changed me:
My priorities have changed dramatically, I no longer care about having the latest shoe trend or even a closet full of great clothes.. (dont get me wrong.. I still love a great outfit, but its not on my must-have list anymore.) My priorities lie with what my children need grow into successful, mature, responsible adults.
I've learned to laugh!!!
And to pick my battles, not everything has to be done my way.
I've learned to slow down; to take in those sweet tender moments; hold onto them and cherish them forever. They grow so very fast and we only have them as little ones for a short time. Take time out for hugs and kisses, even if youre busy!
2. How do you manage a daily routine with more than one child?
Consistancy is what holds us together. Having a routine that the children know and follow helps us a lot as well but I dont let it dictate every moment. I try to leave open opportunities for whatever life tries to throw at us. Your daily life and all its duties change. The most simple tasks of your day become those of such struggle doing the dishes, taking a shower, vacuuming, going grocery shopping, it all needs to be planned.
3. Do you have a mothering tip you would like to share?
Follow your motherly intuition. No one knows our children better than you. Also, never forget that you are your child's advocate. If you aren't comfortable with something, chances are your baby isn't either. Stand up for our babe !
4. How has your life changed since the fire?
We are extremely cautious about fire hazards now, but the biggest change has been with my husband. He's stopped working Satrudays and only works 5 days per week (except for the occasional side job) and is home much earlier. I think he realized that being a father isn't about how much money he earns or how many Nikes he can buy, it's about being there for his children...wiping tears, dinner conversation, reading bed time stories, playing outside.
5. What is your creative outlet/medium?
I'm probably the least creative person that's participating in this interview. I truly enjoy just plopping on the couch...and watching a really good tv show with my husband.
6. Would you say that blogging/journaling has become your creative outlet/medium?
Yes, I believe that it has.
7. How do you carve out time for your creativity?
It's after the kids are in bed and slightly before I go to bed.
8. Why do you blog/journal?
It started as a way to let friends and family see us, and keep posted. We have a lot of family that don't live nearby and we don't get to see them as much as we would like. However, it's since evolved into my own personal journal of sorts. I keep it family oriented, but share my opinions as well.
9. What blogs do you frequent?
My Typography; Mother Rising;
Go Fug Yourself; and What's Your Pleasure.
10. Who are some mama bloggers that you would most like to meet?
Christina from My Typography would be awesome to meet. But I think its pretty damn cool that I know you....(I'm doing our spontaneous march right now!!!)
Labels: Mom to Mom Interviews