Wherein we had a gorgeous rainbow; a tornado touch down in B'ville and subsequent tornado warning that sent us to the basement; tranquil moments at the lake; finished a 6 wk course (while working both a f/t and p/t job); reflected on my endurance over the last 5 years. Evenings on the deck are what's grounding me these days. Grateful to see a few meteors this month. An unexpected shift in the workplace. Also an elevation in the overall vibe. A beautiful postcard arrived from a dear friend! A new classical album, "Solos" by composer, Bryce Dessner, dropped, and I treated myself on iTunes. Despite this month being the anniversary of our family tragedy, there were moments of laughter. One of the best laughs was being called a "Flaming Liberal" by a pastor, at which I thanked him for the complement (I want that on a shirt). Feeling more hopeful about November, and the future in general. Forward!

and that's when I went inside
The funniest excuse!
Labels: #familiars, #Skyhouse
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