Sunday, June 30, 2024

Ode to June: Deep Attention

We can't enchant the world, which makes its own magic; but we can enchant ourselves by paying deep attention. - Diane Ackerman

Wherein there was much blooming, a goldfinch, a zebra swallowtail, a mantis and fox!  The kind psych nurse where I work remembered my quest for smoked mozzarella and he spotted some at his market and brought me some for my pizza making.  I went to an art installation in the Ginkgo grove with a friend, and had a firefly picnic with 3 Mighty Girl Alums.  There were gorgeous skies, a rainbow, ice cream, sadly a drought for the second year in a row. 

Cinder's Toe Beans

Wormwood and petunias

St. John's Wort

Smoked Mozzarella Pizza

Rest in power, little lady.


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posted by Wendy at 6:29 PM


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