Once a month I will be interviewing blogging mamas. If you would like to be interviewed on Mother Rising, please post a comment
here (and let me know how to contact you). This month, I'm pleased to introduce....

Mom: Cheryn
Of: Layna, 8 mo. Where: New Jersey
Blog: daily babbles
1. In what ways has becoming a mother changed you?Most importantly, it has given me soft little squishy hands and feet and chubby rolls to nibble on! Then the bonuses~ It has brought out more of "me." It has heightened my senses, made me more present in simple moments. I am more motivated and inspired to make healthier choices- eating better, being more active, cooking at home more often. I am PROUD of myself- for the mothering I am giving, for the amazing birth experience that we had (Layna was born into water, and I made it through with no pain meds despite her being born at 9 lbs 4 oz.) and for the family that we have become. Overall, it has deepened my understanding of love and life.
2. What is one tip you would like to share about mothering?
Just to let it happen, and to trust that it is there to happen in all the right ways. What feels right
IS right- no matter what the books say, no matter what ANYONE says.
I just looked for something I remembered reading- it's in reference to babies only napping while in mama's arms, and being concerned if this is a "bad habit" to allow- from Sear's The Breastfeeding Book: "It's easy for mothers to let themselves fall into the trap of focusing on "getting something done" while baby sleeps. Instead, we urge you to enjoy these special cuddle times while they last. Eventually your baby will outgrow her nap-time cuddling need and you may long for the restful days when all she wanted was for you to hold and nurse her."
I believe this is referring mostly to the newborn stage, but, Layna and I just enjoyed an hour nap together (and we did so yesterday and the day before)- snuggling together, her fast asleep on my chest- a treat that for sure I won't pass up any day. Of course the time for this isn't always available, but when it is, GIVE THIS GIFT TO YOURSELF.
3. What is your creative outlet/medium?
Right now, mainly photography. Otherwise, a little bit of a lot of things- painting, jewelry making, mixed media work, sculpture.
4. How do you find time for creativity?
The photography is the easiest to fit in only in the sense that lately my subject is Layna! Also, taking the camera along wherever we go allows for a simple walk to be a creative time. I try to look at flipping through inspiring books, viewing others' artwork, websites, etc., as creativity in itself- so there's always a little bit of time here and there without getting all involved in a project to do this. All in all, however, I get a little scattered and distracted and don't always find the time, which I am working at every day in trying to overcome.
5. Why do you blog/journal?
Started mostly for a means to keep those at a distance in the loop, updated on what's happening with Layna and the family. Also, a place to connect with others out there in this wacky world, a place to empty my thoughts......if only I could keep up with it.
7. Who are some bloggers you would like to meet?
Any listed above!
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