"It's not what you look at that matters,
it's what you see." - Thoreau
Satch and I have had the good fortune of testing the
Kidizoom Digital Camera by V-Tech.

When it arrived he jumped up and down wildly and yelled, "I LOVE it...a camera like mama's"! So, we immediately gave it a spin.
The camera is easy to hold and has hand grips on both sides. It has a large LCD screen as well as a double view finder. It shoots jpegs and mpegs which uploaded quite easily into my mac. The images are a little grainy, but I really like the moodiness of them and I think the overall quality of the product is terrific for a child's first camera.

I showed Satch how to hold the camera and how to use the buttons. Satch wanted to take a photo of himself so I stood him in front of the bathroom mirror and he snapped this photo.
He spent the entire afternoon photographing everything in sight, including the floor. I decided to get out
my camera and document the event.
He photographed the dimensions of his Castle...
He photographed his sandbox from the bedroom window...
And he photographed ME photographing him!
Afterwards, he relaxed in his tent and reviewed his shots.
We keep the camera out at all times and Satch has been shooting frequently. We love viewing his photos at the end of the day to see what he documented, what caught his eye. I will be posting his images from time to time. It's as if I'm getting a new view of his world.
Satch seems to be over the nasty bug he's had for the last 5 days, but now I have it...and I feel terrible. Why aren't there sick days for mothers? There should be a labor law for this or something! I got up at 5 something to catch Robert as he went out the door
(since I couldn't sleep all night anyway) and said, "I want a sick day". He said, "OK, but after my dentist appt at 9". huh? And off he went to work and his dentist appt and I suspect he won't be back 'til lunch time...and Satch is going to miss his new class that starts this morning because I'm just too darn sick to go and I don't want to infect any tots.
My lymph nodes are so swollen it feels like I have an elastic band wrapped around my neck and it hurts to swallow. My throat is raw all the way up to where the nose and esophagus meet and even my ears hurt - my ears! What's up with that? My stomach is queasy and it hurts too...it's like some super mutated viral infection. I feel defeated. In the meantime, there is much truth
What do you do when you're sick and have no help? Any ideas how I can muddle through the morning until relief arrives?
Labels: ds, i heart