Wishing you a...
Merry Christmas!
Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Kwanzaa!
And Happy New Year!
From our family to yours: Paz, Paix, Peace, An, Siochain, Friede, Shalom, Salaam, Amani, Santeepop, Heiwa, Hoa Bihn
I'm taking 2 weeks off to enjoy the holidays and play with my son and his new toys from Santa. I'll be back January 3rd and bring in 2008 with a new Mom to Mom interview.
He likes to wear birthday hats for no reason, mostly in the morning. He also likes to pretend it's my birthday and give me presents, and play-dough cakes...
Happy bert day, mama!
Thanks, and happy birthday to you too, Satch.
You're such a big boy, Satch.
No, mama, I not a big boy.
I a cowboy.
Oh YES you ARE a cowboy.
I ride cows, mama!
In between the tantrums, the frustration, and sleepless nights are moments so beautiful that I wish I could string them together and wrap them around my neck... like a strand of pearls.
Making rocket ship cookies and eating them while they were still warm.
Watching Satch taste his first organic hot chocolate with homemade whipped cream. He calls it, "hot papa" (indeed).
Making felted merino wool balls in bright candy colors to hang on our tree...Satch pulling tufts of fluff and handing them to me with a cheery, "Here ya go, mama"...and the sound of his feet in robeez booties running to the washer while yelling, "My do, my do", because he wants to throw the balls in the machine.
(Merino wool is to our fingers what homemade whipped cream is to our tongues).
Creating tiny dolls that resemble our family (still working on the dada) for Satch to play with in the gender neutral house he's getting for Xmas from his grands. The dolls are supposed to be faceless, but Satch insisted that I draw a face on them. The mama must be a good likeness because Satch giggled when he saw it.
I can't wait to see his face Xmas morn when he unwraps all his toys and musical instruments. I just hope my eyes don't well up with tears as they are wont to do.
"If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of a least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in" - Rachel Carson (The Sense of Wonder)
Sometimes opportunity just falls right into my lap. It was really warm
for a December morning so I decided to tidy up the back yard a bit.
Satch played with some earth worms while I raked pine needles. While
raking, a tiny red-back salamander
paid us a visit. It appeared to be smiling and had a little clump of
mud on it's cheek. I took a few photos of it while Satch lovingly
draped earth worms over my arm as he patiently waited for his turn to
hold the salamander.
*About Most Alive Monday: I've decided to make at least one "most alive choice" each day and post my favorite each Monday. This, of course, is to motivate me to consciously "live juicy"! I hope you'll join me and share your "most alive moment" in the comments section so we may inspire each other.
"They come from trees,
which came from seeds,
which grow out of
THE GROUND! " - Billy Jonas (Some Houses)
When you open up the wooden box, the first thing you will notice is the heavenly scent of real pine. The box is filled with carved and painted whimsical little animals that fit like puzzle pieces in their simple wood houses.
The game can be played as a puzzle, a matching game or a memory game. This sweet toy "Who Lives Where?" , comes from the Chicago based toy company Cadaco.
"There'll be much mistletoe-ing
And hearts will be glowing
When loved ones are near
It's the most wonderful time of the year" -Edward Pola/George Wyle
We hung our pine cone wreath on the front door and Satch exclaimed,
"Oh, THAT'S cool!"
We purchased these hand painted papier maché ornaments by artist, Michael Mabry. The illustrations are whimsical with a touch of humor and represent the 12 days of Xmas, i.e. the "Four Calling Birds" are holding telephones. They are non-toxic and kid friendly.
They are much more beautiful in person than was pictured in the catalog.
We are collecting holiday ornaments that represent our son's favorite things of the year. This year we purchased this robot ornament.
When Satch saw it he said, "Look at this robot...I love him...I love this robot". I don't know if it's going to make it to the tree because he's been playing with it ever since.
We also commissioned an ornament of his favorite animal from this talented artist.
I found some simple felt stockings at a craft supply store and stitched a rocket ship on Satchel's stocking.
(*please note I have no idea how to stitch so I made it up as I went along).
On mine I sewed gorgeous red vintage buttons that I had in my enormous stash. They look a bit like candy.
I trimmed Robert's stocking with two pieces of his dad's old neck ties It was inspired by the Gee's Bend exhibit that we went to.
(click on stockings to see larger).
I'm attempting to make my own version of these felt garlands and some felt balls to use as non-breakable, kid-friendly ornaments for our tree.
Satch made some holiday greetings this year and without any instruction, began painting little round ornaments on the trees. They are cut from cardstock and a piece of red and white baker's twine is tied through a metal grommet at the top. He only made a few so I'll be printing a photo greeting AND as always, our computer savvy friends and family can expect an e-greeting rather than paper (in the spirit of "The Lorax")
These metal snowflake lights have replaced the papel picado. They cast the most beautiful ambient light which I am unable to capture. It's the color of candle light.
And the studio window got a seasonal face lift as well.
On Friday, we'll be trimming our tree while nibbling rocketship sugar cookies (decorated by Satch), sipping organic hot cocoa and listening to somecoolholidaymusic!
Walking along the trail with the snow crunching softly beneath our feet is like, pardon the cliche, "walking in a winter wonderland". The snow sticks to the trees making everything look ethereal.
In the snow there are animal tracks to muse over. We found a particular track of interest and Satch insisted that it was rabbit tracks. It DID look like rabbit tracks though I haven't seen any rabbits here. We have, however, seen a lot of deer, fox and and an occasional coyote.
Satch is obsessed with the thought of hot chocolate ever since he watched the film "Polar Express", so I promised him that he would have his first mug on Friday eve when we decorate our tree, along with a plate of rocket ship shaped sugar cookies. He's very excited about it all.
Satch woke up this morning saying, "Look, snowman....look, snowman". He must have been having wintry dreams.
*About Most Alive Monday: I've decided to make at least one "most alive choice" each day and post my favorite each Monday. This, of course, is to motivate me to consciously "live juicy"! I hope you'll join me and share your "most alive moment" in the comments section so we may inspire each other.
"How full of the creative genius is the air in which these are generated! I should hardly admire more if real stars fell and lodged on my coat" - Henry David Thoreau
Collecting bits of nature that celebrate the season.
Scarlet red: I used to buy Red Sumac at the Green Market in Union Square. I spotted some growing roadside when were in MO for the holiday and Robert stopped the car so I could pick some to bring home.
Lichen: chunks of Lichens of the palest blue and green growing on bits of branches that I dragged home from Great Falls.
Oh, I can't wait to introduce you to these TWO moms! As many of you know, I'm a super picky mama. I'm picky about food, picky about clothing, books, and VERY picky about toys. It seems that the toy industry produces a lot of toys with bright lights and loud noises, toys that quickly bait children, but then leave them bored and uninterested. I keep searching for toys that are imaginative and can be used in a number of ways.
As a little girl one of my favorite things to do on a rainy day was build blanket forts at Grandma's house. Grandma would get a bunch of old blankets out of her linen closet and we'd drape them over the furniture, using heavy books to weigh down the ends. We'd toss pillows inside, a flash light, snacks. It was an indoor adventure and the living room transformed itself into a jungle or any magical place we could dream up while the rain pattered against the windows and thunder echoed in the distance.
I can't tell you how delighted I am to have stumbled upon the "fortamajig". As a grown-up-blanket-fort-enthusiast, I can certainly say that "fortamajig" takes the art to a whole new level.
Since the holiday season is right around the corner and so many parents are searching for unique and imaginative gifts for children, I decided to share one of our favorite toys AND interview the two mama's that created the "fortamajig". (Most Alive Monday will resume next week)
It is with great pleasure that I introduce Katherine and Kristen...
Mom: Katherine H.P. Huck Of: Claire (2 yrs), Rebecca (5 yrs), Jared (8 yrs) Where: Massachusetts Site:Happy Kid Company Mom: Kristen P. Stocking Of: Syndey (6 mos) and Ellie (4 yrs) Where: Massachusetts Site:Happy Kid Company 1. In what ways has becoming a mother changed you?
KHPH: I live more in the moment. I appreciate the small gifts. I am now very grateful for good health and free time. Watching my children, as they grow, makes me so thankful just to be with them. It has deepened my relationships with others – making them stronger and more meaningful.
KPS: One of the most incredible changes has been in my newfound respect for all Mothers and their ability to multi-task. While all women have this natural gift, Moms are masters! I can find myself playing the role of “savvy salesperson” on the phone, while simultaneously being dressed-up in princess clothes by my 4-year old, creating some sort of mystery casserole with my one remaining hand and rocking the baby bouncy chair with my left foot.
2. What is one tip you would like to share about mothering?
KHPH: Trust your instincts. What works for others may not be what works for you, but feel confident that your choices and decisions are made by the person who knows your children and family the best – you.
KPS: Simple—you must absolutely pick your battles and save your precious energy for the good times.
3. How/when did the two of you meet?
Both: We met in college just over 20 years ago when we lived on the same floor in our college dorm.
4. How/when was the Fortamajig conceived?
KHPH: My kids love building forts and they wanted something that could stick around for a little while. I wanted something that I could take down easily when needed that could also be used anywhere. In November of 2005, I devised a prototype for a changeable and interactive play space. I mentioned my ideas to Kristen who was extremely encouraging and game for an exciting challenge. From that day, early in 2006, the invention of the Fortamajig began to take shape as the design came together.
KPS: When Kath told me about her ideas, I was intrigued immediately. I have a strong business background, started and owned my own business before, and was ready to start something new. This was a terrific opportunity and we had always talked about starting a business together.
5. What inspired you to create the Fortamajig?
Both: Our children and our experiences as parents. We wanted to create something interactive and exciting for our kids that also spoke to our own sensibilities. We loved the idea of creating a new rendition of a classic childhood play theme that our children could use for their own play, but that we could also enjoy with them. The element of interactive play in fort building was a huge inspiration – as much of what our kids had for play spaces was static and not open-ended. We wanted to offer them a creative option.
We also had both experienced the parental agony of picking up toys with millions of pieces, or things that broke in the first 5 minutes and we knew that durability and versatility were absolute necessities.
6. What did you learn from the process?
Both: To persevere. When you are attempting to create something out of nothing, you are met with many roadblocks and dead ends. We just kept going. In doing so, we have met so many wonderful people along the way who were willing to help – and it fueled our determination to stick with it.
7. Do you plan to design more imaginative toys in the future?
Both: We are working on several currently and hope to have initial prototypes available early in 2008. They will all share the same goals – being versatile, open-ended and unique.
Location: NYC roots, now blooming in Northern Virginia, United States
Mother, Artist, Biophiliac,Vegetarian, Joyologist, VA Master Naturalist, CCMA
CONTACT: wendy(at)wendycook(dotcom)
This is my JOURNAL. I come to this page to write about our days so that my son will have a diary of our life together. Perhaps you will find something useful here as you navigate the terrain of your own path. ...........................................
Topics are categorized by subject in the chapters section on my sidebar. Useful links are located in my sidebar also.
For information regarding product reviews, please refer to the footer. ...........................................
"To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty...
To leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch
or a redeemed social condition."