We took an afternoon walk past the ivy covered stone gate, over sidewalks crackled and mossy...the ground, a confetti of reds, oranges and yellows. The air was cool and damp. The sky, a Paynes Gray wash. We could smell the earth. It smelled of Autumn.
(Satchel uses the front bar of
his stroller as a foot rest)

Satchel's first greeting was from this little Calico. She literally kept throwing herself in front of the pram. She wouldn't let us get down the sidewalk.
We had to go back in the direction we came and take a different route.

Satchel's second greeting was from this pooch who waited patiently for our arrival. We could see him watching us in the distance.
His name is Elvis.
Satchel smiled at Elvis.

Labels: ds, pram tales