Goodbye 2018, Welcome 2019!
1. Our first hike on Jan 1, 2018 was one of our faves, Billy Goat Trail at Great Falls.
2. Satch went to his first protest, March for Our Lives and we were deeply moved to hear the grand daughter of MLK speak.
3. I learned to make a decent green curry.
4. We went to the Visionary Museum in Baltimore and back to the aquarium that my son so loves.
5. My son took students’ rights training thru ACLU.
6. The Nor’easter blew over us with 71 mph wind gusts at Dulles, toppling some of our town’s tall trees. We read there was 400,000 without power
7. We went on a vernal pool expedition with a local biologist.
8. We had good snow for sledding and a wintry bonfire - AND - we went snow tubing in the mountains with friends, The Mann Family.
9. We hiked Cunningham Falls.
10. We went to see the Sally Mann exhibition in DC.
11. We explored Burke Lake.
12. I had an art journaling day with my friend Angela where I discovered Genius Recipes.
13. I made a magic apple cake. 14. I made a giant dream catcher for my friend Erin's, All Things Fly exhibit.
15. I finally found the inexpensive linen sheets I had always dreamed of for summer. (Flannel bedding in the winter)
16. We hiked Sky Meadows.
17. I saw my first Lion’s Mane shroom at a local organic market, and made a delicious lunch of it.
18. Our blueberry bushes were abundant.
19. I learned how to make Bourbon Glazed donuts.
20. The perfect wicker chair entered my life.
21. We attended our town’s first Gay Pride festival.
22. We camped at the Wolf Sanctuary for my son’s 13th birthday.
23. We visited Elizabeth Morton Wildlife Refuge in NY where birds flew out of the trees to eat out of our hands and chipmunks crawled into our palms.
24. We stopped to see Nikola Tesla’s laboratory and went for a dip in the boulder strewn LI sound at Wildwood State Park.
25. We visited friends and family to and fro our road trip thru NY.
26. We had magical summer sleepover visits from our beloved Cheryn Odolecki Bolasci and family.
27. I made homemade jam.
28. We learned a lot of magical things in Erin's potion making classes.
29. We enjoyed the local fireflies and sunsets and full moons and lakeside picnics.
30. I attended a nonviolent civil disobedience training at All Soul’s Church in DC with a brave friend, Diane.
31. I made my very first batch of homemade Nocino.
32. We took a dip in Kilgore Falls.
33. I finally found black and night sky hued petunias.
34. I finally made a latte heart.
35. I went kayaking with my friend Angela.
36. I learned to make an enchanting cake that looks like moss.
37. I got my official certification as a Master Naturalist from the state of Virginia.
38. We bought a piece of earth near the mountains and will begin building our home.
39. I did another pruning of the book case, uploaded my entire collection of cds to cloud, then sold and gave away the discs and my old equipment and now I feel so much lighter.
40. My son found two worm snakes, which is a big deal because they are hard to find.
41. I went to Waterford Fair with my friend Rebecca.
42. We had our annual orchard picnic with dear friends that are more like family.
43. We went to a sustainable landscaping workshop so that we can prepare for new home.
44. I made a bunch of yarn from a pile of old t-shirts leftover from other projects.
45. I went to see Eve Ensler and Anne Lamott at the Strathmore with my friend Angela.
46. I was faced with another new challenge, that I’m determined to navigate with keen intuition, fierce boundaries, professional guidance, educated steps, and artistic expression.
47. I lead another two wondrous seasons of Mighty Girl Art wherein I learn something new each time.
48. We went to the Owl Moon Raptor Festival.
49. We hiked Widewater State Park.
50. We took a trip to North Beach MD.
51. A magical tree slab table appeared in my life.
52. Went to my first Art Solar at my friend Teri's lovely home where I worked on some imagery in my art journal.
53. We had our 11th (I think) annual Solstice party, a great joy for me to have so many friends under the same roof.
54. We made spider ornaments, and all manner of wintry deliciousness.
55. I learned how to make chocolate boule which was one of my favorite treats in NYC.
56. My son said it was the best Christmas ever.
57. My longtime friend came to visit DC with her fam, and we spent the entire day wandering with them and capped it off with dinner at our favorite Jamaican restaurant.
58. We took our last hike of 2018 at Hemlock Overlook along the Occoquan River and returned to our car just as the sun was orange and dipping.
59. We went to the Harry Potter Festival aka The Festival That Cannot Be Named in Strasburg.
60. I learned to make Sfincione sans anchovies for traditional New Year’s eve pizza.
Labels: new years day, new years eve