Sense of Place: Samhain

We are almost finished with Samhain preparations. Costumes are almost finished - we will be a family of Anglerfish - S's fave. I was inspired by Isabella Rossellini's hilarious and imaginative nature short films, "Green Porno". So I fished google for ideas and wouldn't you know, Martha Stewart had Isabella on her show and together they made an Anchovy mask. I used their design as the foundation for our Anglerfishes, but changed the features accordingly and added a tiny working light.
S likes skeletons and skulls because the nature boy likes bones.
Costumes can be difficult for S because of his SPD. He needs to feel comfortable in it and he gets unnerved when people look at him for more than a few seconds.
The felt leaf garland that I worked on last winter now dons our mantel...
The papel picado that I made for S several years ago, sways in our dining room...
There is a cauldron on our porch, from which S and his chums have concocted mysterious potions in small glass bottles...
The centerpiece on our table, a paper mache nest that S made last Spring, now cradles the spooky paper mache eggs that we made.
Pumpkin carving to commence on Saturday at the Autumnal celebration in the meadow at S's awesome school. (Our creations from 2007, 2008, 2009)
The broom's on the door and we're ready to fly!
May your Summer's end be filled with bat-blessed dreams!
Labels: celebration, ds, samhain, SPD