Friday, January 31, 2025

Ode to January: Something Sacred

Wherein we had two beautiful albeit dangerous snow storms.  I planned ahead and brought the clinic lap top home in anticipation of the a closing, and was fortunate to be able to work from home as the roads in my neighborhood were not passable.  The juncos arrived marking the official start of winter.  I filled the feeders before, during and after the storm to help the feathered kin. Due to a are arctic blast, temps dipped down into the single digits which is highly unusual for this area.  A retired pilot who lives in the neighborhood did a flyover and drew a smiley face in the sky which was oh so enchanting.  My hope for this coming year is ease, balance and vitality.  May it shift from survive to thrive.  May some gorgeous twist of fate remove the monsters hellbent on destroying all we that have built, and may decency, peace, and hope return.  So may it be for me, so may it be for you, so may it be for all. 


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posted by Wendy at 6:17 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Ode to December: Joy in Simplicity

Wherein the cub bought his third used car after his 2nd croaked.  He's been working hard at the restaurant while awaiting placement in trade school.  I too have been working hard as this past year as I still have a full time and a part time job.  I aim to change that in the coming year.  We celebrated a cozy holiday with our traditional risotto and small joys.  I bought myself some used books as an xmas gift / a reward for my hard work, to read during the winter season. We basked in some stunning sunrises before my commute. And cherished the antics of our two beloved kitties.  

A friend and I are reading this together.

xmas tradition; tomato risotto
NYT Potato Cauliflower White Bean Soup

Vegetarian Sloppy Joe Sliders

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posted by Wendy at 5:53 AM 0 comments

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Ode to November: Small Magic / Pay Attention

"Set up your life so that you inner child feels safe, your present self feels seen, and your future self feels sacred." - Dr. Jen

Wherein I try to be more diligent about finding a few moments of pause for the small magic: 

I stepped on the deck predawn to sip my latte and admire the bright stars, when a meteor shot over my head reminding me that the geminids are coming.  (I told a patient to mark his calendar for the meteor shower and he said that he will be discharged the day before so we won't be able to compare notes.  I told him that it's okay because we will are under the same sky and that I will think of him out there living his best life watching meteors.  He smiled and said, "that's really beautiful, thank you".)

There were stunning sunrises and sunsets, and lake fog.  There were two trail hikes, one with a neighbor and the other solo.  There was a new beautiful book of poetry written by a longtime acquaintance.  And a fun poem collaboration with a dear friend of a few decades.  The cub bought car #3.  I'm inching closer to my 500 contact hours needed to register for another national exam and that's when I realized that in addition to my f/t job, I have also been working my p/t job for over a year.  I prepared a small vegetarian Thanksgiving feast for myself and my son, but I ate alone as he was working.  I had off the Friday and Saturday after the holiday and the 3 days in a row felt like a vacation.  After catching up on chores, I tried to just relax for a change before my Sunday shift.  The native garden and herb garden is prepped for winter.  The heat is on, and so are the flannel sheets. 

I feel traumatized by the recent election outcome, and will never forgive those that put him in office because the first time could have been due to ignorance, but not the second time.  I avoid reading anything that has his face on it, and turn off NPR if I hear his voice. 

*I had a brief 9/11 related nightmare where I found myself sitting in a high-rise facing a large window and trying to make a decision as to whether I should take a training in NC or NYC.  I think NYC entered the dream because my brain was subconsciously contemplating a recent job offer from a friend/doc whom I adore and used to work with.  I noticed out the window to my left, a portion of WTC and I felt a wave of dread.  Next I heard that unforgettable roar and a large black building nearby began collapsing.  I heard a woman shout, "those assholes" and we headed towards the elevators.  I didn't see a staircase.  I was holding my black cat, Cinder.  I woke up.

I am offering myself these countermeasures as buoys for the dark season: some good books for xmas (2 new, 2 used), delicious food, sunrises and sunsets, lakeside moments, audio books on the treadmill and during commute, my classical / ambient playlist, fireplace moments, candlelight. 

Sunrise in pajamas

When texts read as poems & you collaborate to make it so.
Official dx is "good crazy"

Rooftops and Mountains

Hike with Jean


These lines in particular:

“as if she hid the animal beneath”
“a scent I thought of loneliness”
“But that hushed room. Those flowers.”
“as if she were a river”
“the hummingbirds were a sign I couldn’t ignore.”

When I thought I could rest a moment before chores.
They said, "think again."

Lake fog

Gram's Scottish Mashed Turnips.


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posted by Wendy at 5:49 AM 0 comments

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Ode to October

Wherein we photographed the auroras (after the VH networking sesh which was wonderful, but also sensory overload for me), swoon worthy sunsets and sunrises.  Voted early.  Sugared up the little goblins.  The balloon guy flew by.  Had to get the brakes and rotors done on the car.   Tried two new recipes from NYT.  And we celebrated my 61st twirl around the sun with Indian food that my son bought.  He also gave me an adorable pair of cat socks. As we dive into the dark season that feels longer than it actually is (52 days until the daylight begins to lengthen), it's time for the LED candles, good books, yummy soups, cozy blankets, warm socks, fingerless gloves and fireplace-friday.

Note to self:  I took a moment before my morning commute to photograph the lake fog, and while I don't remember the rush of the day that followed, I remember only the stillness of that moment, the coolness of the air, and the nearby crow.  I must be diligent about balancing my workload with more moments of stillness, of sky watching and lake time.

Aurora as seen from our deck.

Aurora and big dipper over the lake.



Lake Fog

NYT Cauliflower, Potato & White Bean Soup
Eric Kim's PB Noodles

He was later joined by 2 paragliders

Early voting

October Skies


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posted by Wendy at 6:03 AM 0 comments