Friday, May 31, 2024

Ode to May

Wherein we were graced with beautiful skies; and a hail storm; our peonies bloomed; we tried a new recipe; the cub turned 19; I rescued a female box turtle from a busy road; we had a visit from an Eight-spotted Forester; we were able to see a smidge of aurora beneath a cloud; I had my annual Reclast Infusion; I went to see Wicked Little Letters which was hilarious; my son took me to lunch for Mother's Day and bought me delicious cookies; we found my favorite petunias; the hummingbirds arrived; and so did Food Truck Friday in our neighborhood; our moonflower bloomed and we hope for the return of the hawk moths.

Cinder Panther

Cinder Panther

Mother's Day Cookies
Cheesy Beans & Greens
10:30 PM - sliver of aurora beneath the cloud

8 Spotted Forester


Full Moon Rising

Hail stones

Reclast # 3

Silverberry & Black Magic

Night Sky

Birthday Dinner

Food Truck Friday - 3 Fires Oven

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posted by Wendy at 2:28 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Nineteen Rides Around the Sun!













Dear Satchel,

Happy 19th ride around the sun!  Happy eleven billion ninety-six million miles (11,096,000,000)! 

This past year has been a year of much growth.  You completed your electronics course and began exploring a new path.  You bought your first and second car with money that you earned.  You learned some painful yet valuable lessons, and came through it stronger, wiser and triumphant.  I’m proud of you and I know your dad is too.  

Today we will keep our tradition of going out to eat on your special day.   We will be dining per requested on the porch at Tacqueria Guadalajara which was your dad's fave and he'll join us there in spirit.  When we see the paintings of Frida Kahlo that hang on the walls of the restaurant, let us remember the hardship she endured in her life.  She wrote these words in her diary..."we can endure much more than we think we can".  I think of all we’ve both endured, and I’m grateful for  that which we’ve both accomplished, and I continue to believe that more good things are on the horizon.  

Nineteen years ago today you entered this world in time for brunch.  The window to our room faced Little Italy, which we snarkily called micro Italy because it was so small in comparison to NYC.  The sun was shining and there was a bird on the window ledge looking in at us.  I could hear the nurses talking about how "what a cutie" you were and one of them said, "OMG he knows his name".  I told her that we talked to you by name during the entire pregnancy.  You were so calm, so aware, taking in all the new sights and sounds.  It was an extraordinarily beautiful day because you were in the world.

As always, on this anniversary of your birth, may you always know how deeply loved and admired you are....and that I celebrate and every day!  You have filled my life with laughter, creativity, adventure and joy!  

Thank you for being YOU!

Thank you for being my son.

Thank you for the reciprocal gift of unconditional love and all the ways you show it.  

(for beautiful you are my world, my true)

Happy 19th ride around the sun, dear Satchel! 

All my love,


(posted at the time of your birth)

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posted by Wendy at 12:50 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Ode to April

I wanted to speak at length about
The happiness of my body and the
Delight of my mind for it was
April, a night, a full moon and-

But something in myself for maybe
From somewhere other said: not too
Many words, please, in the muddy shallows the

Frogs are singing. - Mary Oliver

Wherein the rising sun turned the mountains pink and we had an unseasonably warm day so I went straight to the lake after work with pizza and my son threw his line in whilst we supped.  I went for a hike off trail to see the Blubells and an old stone wall in the middle of the forest as guided by Professor T.  The tulips came and went in a blur, but lilac chimed in as did yarrow, trumpet vine and peony.  The dawn chorus began with Robin taking the lead.  It was a fee free day at SNP so I took a hike to the summit of Stony Man with MGA alum. I tried a new recipe for Gochujang potato stew and it was a keeper. Charlee showed off a new ninja skill.  There were glorious sunsets and moonsets. 



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posted by Wendy at 6:24 AM 0 comments