Dear Satchel,
Happy 14th ride around the sun!
This birthday marks another new beginning - your very own home. You said that you've always wanted to live in "the country" and soon that dream will come true for you.
Over this past year you've have grown so much. You are now taller than me, and almost taller than your father. You have grown emotionally too. Your sense of humor is outstanding, and I will never forget how you made me laugh so hard I could barely breathe. Your musical compositions have become so stylized and I love the "beats" you have created for your Soundcloud. Your lego creations are always a marvel, and now you've added a new skill...modifying your Nerfs. You remind me of your great grandfather Lenny P. who could fix nearly anything, and your grandfathers Lenny J and George, who could make almost anything. Creativity is clearly in your genetic makeup.
I notice how you are kind to the little kids on the you take the time to play with them when they come to the door. How you give them toys you've outgrown. I know that they can annoy you and that you would rather do other things, but you still take the time to make happy memories for them. This is a very special quality.
I notice your concern about the extended absence of one of your you would inquire about her health and date of return. I noticed your relief when she did return to class. This level of empathy is a very special quality.
I notice that you have been doing a great job of advocating for yourself, making sure that you are understood, and setting boundaries. I heard the way you handled a friend who was being invasive, and I was impressed with your clarity of expression. The way you said, "No, ___, that is really none of your business and I'm not okay with that". Being able to say "no" and listening to the "no" of others is a vital skill to have. You are mastering that skill for yourself and at the same time teaching it to your friends.
I notice that you fully understand what is inappropriate and harmful and will speak up even if it's one of your peers, even if it's an adult. This takes courage, which you clearly have.
I notice that you still retain your sense of wonder and connection to nature. You still enjoy catching and releasing critters. I love how you bound in the door saying, "MOM, I caught a skink (or snake, or turtle, or toad)... can you take a picture!" As Rachel Carson wrote,
"If I had influence with the good fairy who is supposed to preside over the christening of all children, I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life, as an unfailing antidote against the boredom and disenchantment of later year." Clearly the good fairy has given you the gift of lifelong indestructible wonder and enchantment!
Day after day, year after year, I feel so blessed to be your mama. The day you were born was the best day of my life.
On this 14th anniversary of your birth, may you notice all of the wonderful qualities and gifts within you. And may you know that you are deeply loved. I celebrate you!
(for beautiful you are my world, my true)
Happy 14th ride around the sun, Satchel.
Thank you for being my son.
All my love,
(Posted at the time of your birth)
*To celebrate with friends, you chose not to have a party, but to go bowling and enjoy the company of your circle of friends. Your wish is our command.Labels: birthday letters