Big Kids Magazine: A Treasure to Behold
- Jerry Herman (Put On Your Sunday Clothes)

We have fallen in love with Big Kids Magazine!
Recently they sent out a call for submissions (treasure maps) and I asked my son if he would like to submit his work. He had a few pieces that he made last year that would fit the criteria. He was both nervous and excited. I felt it would be a good experience for him. If his work was accepted it would be terrific for his self esteem - if it wasn't, I planned not to tell him unless he asked about it and then I would dig out some of my own rejection letters.

His work was accepted and now he's bouncing off the walls with excitement to see his work out there in the world. I promptly emailed his teacher and school principal with the news. I asked if there was some way to add it to the morning announcements. S is in first grade and not particularly fond of school. I felt that receiving some congrats at school may make his last day before winter break a memorable one. The principal emailed me straightaway and said she would get right to it.
This is the ripple effect that one rarely sees the outer edges of...and here I am watching it all unfold. I will never forget the look on my son's face. I will never forget how his friend A was so authentically happy for him and how the two boys stared at the screen wide eyed and smiling.
Thank you, Lilly and Jo, for the work that you do and for giving children a place for their art beyond the refrigerator door.
*Postscript: The principal was able to reach the tech guy who was able to get permissions from the site and had my son's art from the magazine on the all the video screens in the school during morning announcements. His teacher told me that the class cheered and S was smiling from ear to ear. The tech guy went to the class afterwards to see the reaction and said S was so happy. When I picked him up after school he said, "I had a great day at school today...they announced my artwork on the Big Kids Magazine website and showed pictures and everyone cheered". He will never forget this. I will never forget this. I'm so grateful for every bit of it.
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