Monday, June 09, 2008

Most Alive Monday: Remedy

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." - Plato

Robert switched his OT day to Sunday in order to take Satch to Port Discovery Children's Museum as a remedy for moving madness...

when he notified me of said change on Friday, I called him at work and Satch and I sang,

"I love you more today than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow"

The museum was great fun! We were joined by his adorable little friend, R. Satch really enjoyed the Wonders of Water room where he and his Dada tried to hoist a giant bubble ring over their heads.

He also really loved operating the robot arm.

Check out that amazing, multi-story climbing thing in the background! I look forward to climbing with Satch when he's a tad older.

Afterwards, we all went to Ze Mean Bean for some yummy pierogi. Satch and R got silly on the sofa.

(Meanwhile the camera works sporadically.)
*About Most Alive Monday: I've decided to make at least one "most alive choice" each day and post my favorite each Monday. This, of course, is to motivate me to consciously "live juicy"! I hope you'll join me and share your "most alive moment" in the comments section so we may inspire each other.

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posted by Wendy at 6:38 AM


Blogger Shawn said...

Port Discovery is on our list of things to do ... is it good for the young toddlers, too? That restaurant looks nice ... r u living in Baltimore now?

6:47 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

we're in NoVa. the museum has lots to do...for all different ages. certainly worth the trip.

there's also a good pizza joint in the little italy section called "isabella's" we would have gone there but there was a festival going on which rendered it impossible.

8:20 PM  

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