Wednesday, March 25, 2020

So This Happened

I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams." - Yeats 

 Life is so surreal right now.  I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that just 5 months after losing my husband and while I was writing the December diary entry here, a pandemic was brewing.  My son and I are on day 14 of self quarantine and my job search has come to a screeching halt, my art camp has been postponed indefinitely, but there's labor of love, Mighty Girl Art, is  featured in Raise Vegan Magazine.  This and the pang in my heart for the day we can all be together again, and hug, and laugh.  What a joyful day that will be for us all!  In the meantime, I hug my son close, as I'm sure you and yours are doing.  Spread your dreams, friends, we need them now more than ever.  Hunker down and stay well.

Treading softly,

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posted by Wendy at 7:59 AM


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