Monday, January 13, 2020

We Were Together

"We were together. I forget the rest." - Walt Whitman

Robert's nephew who lives in Arlington stopped by on Saturday morning with his wife and toddler. We don't see them often so it was good for the soul.

On Sunday we took a hike with Kathi, then spent an hour fishing at the lake, joined by Silvia and her boys. I added a few images to my planner while we sat on the shore watching the boys. My son and I don't take these moments for granted, we treasure them for the gifts that they are as it so often feels lonely here while we find our new way of being.

Early this morning, after Satch went to school, I added some of my dreams to my planner. I am hoping that in spite of our tragedy, I may be able to find a way to make it all happen. For instance...
I dream of hosting Mighty Girl Art at Peetwood Pavillion at Blandy. I took a photo of it from afar so I can hold the image in my mind and heart. I made a transfer print to the August calendar page.
I dream of getting certified as a Forest & Nature therapy Guide. There is an intensive in NY in June, if I can get a scholarship then I wish to attend. Then I can complete the practicum at home in my spare time.

I dream of training to be on FEMA's community emergency response team so subscribed for updates.
I dream of moonlight hikes, and bonfires. I dream of seeing fox again, and more often. I dream of hearing coyote yips with my own ears, and of growing paw paw in the understory. I dream of the return of our Bessie Coleman Hummingbird, and exploring the lake in our yaks. I dream of a community kids hike, and events for our kids in general, something connected with this special place we call home, something that rings true with the name and mission of Rachel Carson.

Being in limbo is hard. It makes me anxious. I'm a creature who craves balance and rhythm, with just a sprinkle of spontaneity to keep it magical.

Watching the boys running back from the lake reminded my of one of my son's favorite storybooks...Roxaboxen.

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posted by Wendy at 4:45 PM


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