Wednesday, January 15, 2020


“Speak to me in the language of Moss and Stone:
The brook and fox-den know well my Mother-tongue. “

- Tom Hirons (Merrivale, Falconer’s Joy)

I awoke to a weather alert of dense fog. After my son left to school, I went down to the lake to take photos. As I sat there at dock, there was a fisherman launching his boat and a kayaker returning from an early paddle. I wonder how they are able to navigate this veil. This fog feels like a metaphor for the way I feel, how I can only see what is directly in front of me so I must move forward slowly because I can't see where I'm going. I wondered what it was like paddling around the lake in all that fog, but in a way I think I already know.

This morning I received an email from the Forest Therapy Guide admissions coordinator. I'm going to apply for a full scholarship. I have no idea how I will pull it off if I get it, but I trust I will figure it out. Leap and the net will appear is what John Burroughs said. He was a naturalist too.


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posted by Wendy at 5:25 PM


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