Monday, August 05, 2019


“it is a serious thing
just to be alive
on this fresh morning
in this broken world.”
- Mary Oliver 

When I lived in NYC, there was a community garden on the corner of Bleecker and LaGuardia Place. One of the gardeners grew moon vine which climbed a large swath of the chain link fence that surrounded the garden. In the evening my friends and I would make a pilgrimage and stick our faces in the giant blooms to smell their intoxicating scent. I promised myself that when I had my own home I would grow moon vine.
I startled awake well before dawn and remembered that my moon vine was about to bloom. I tiptoed outside in the dark in my pajamas. There it was...the size of a dessert plate and almost glowing! I pushed my face into the first bloom and breathed in the scent. It made me swoon a little, like in that old cartoon where the rooster is crooning to the hens and they sigh and go noodle-esque. It was kind of like that with this.

Did you see that Cheshire Cat smile of a moon last night?


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posted by Wendy at 5:02 PM


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