Sunday, July 28, 2019

Wherein I finally join my family on the lake

“Let us not allow otherness to bar the door to kinship, curiosity, and imagination. There is a bridge.” - David G. Haskell (biologist)


I still have boxes in the basement, but last night I felt nested enough to take my yak out on the lake at sunset with my family. Right before the sun dipped below the horizon I saw two hot air balloons land somewhere beyond the trees. The edges of the clouds turned pink and the lake turned to dark glass. Dragonflies darted above my head and a damselfly landed on a leaf, then floated past on the surface. Large white egrets gathered on the top of a bare tree. One stretched out its wings and reminded me of a favorite Bouguereau painting, “The Rapture of Psyche”. I saw a doe grazing on the bank of a small cove and nearby, a Blue Heron perched on a tree trunk. I also saw Bill Moore Jr., which was a delightful surprise.

I have always lived in close proximity to water. As a child I grew up on the south shore of Long Island. I lived most of my adult life in NYC, beside the Hudson River. Now nestled next to this exquisite lake, it still feels a bit like a dream.

Here’s a beautiful piece of writing about bird language by David G Haskell.

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posted by Wendy at 11:39 AM


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