Wednesday, October 17, 2018

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

This month is National Domestic Violence Awareness month. Most people think of domestic violence as physical abuse. But there is another form of violence against women that is equally harmful, yet invisible. Financial abuse is a form of domestic violence. Financial abuse is controlling, demoralizing and chips away at a woman's self esteem. Financial abuse causes fear, and anxiety, depression, and emotional trauma.

 A few examples of financial abuse are:

  • Not including you in financial decisions. 
  • Not telling you about bonuses or financial gain. 
  • Not providing a joint bank account. 
  • Not giving you access to finances, ie. not putting you on his bank account, making you have to ask for money. 
  • Taking money that belongs to you without your permission. 
Most victims of financial abuse suffer in silence, learn the warning signs and offer support. If she reaches out to you, here's how to talk to someone who is being financially abused:

  • Let her know this is a judgment-free conversation and she is not alone. 
  • Offer your support. 
  • Listen 
  • "I know this is difficult to discuss, but please know you can talk to me about anything." 
  • "You are not alone. I care about you, and I'm here for you, no matter what." 
  • "You are not responsible for what's going on." 
  • "No matter what you did, you do not deserve this." 
  • Do not hijack the conversation to talk yourself. 
  • If you've experienced abuse in a past relationship now is not the time to compare and contrast your experience with hers, ie. "my ex took my entire savings" or "my pushed me off the steps". This isn't about who had it worse, it's about supporting a victim who reached out to you. 

For more information about Financial Abuse, where to seek help or to help some one you know, click on the photo above. You are not alone


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posted by Wendy at 6:56 AM


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