Time Flies: Mother's Day Giveaway 2014
where I fly so easily, so welcome, yes,
and this is why I have been sent, to teach this to your heart.
~ Mary Oliver
Several years ago, whilst my son and his pals sat on the floor creating their own talisman necklaces with colorful beads, I decided to make an early Mother's Day gift for myself. I made myself a little bird's nest with one tiny turquoise egg to represent my son. I wear it on Mother's Day or whenever I need to remember my own divinity.

Each year for a limited time in my etsy shop, I offer this Mother's Day talisman to you...to remind you of your own divine nature. The proceeds of this sale help support Mighty Girl Art empowerment camp. The early birds get the worm and I will stop taking orders after May 2nd.
In honor of Mother's Day, I will be giving away a custom nest necklace to one lucky reader. Just leave a comment here, tell me about your favorite Mother's Day!

(Please share on fb, twitter etc.)
Winner will be chosen by random generator and announced on Monday morning, May 5th.
Happy Mother's Day!
Made so and rooted by love,
PS - It's no secret that Ram Dass is one of my favorite peeps on the planet. Well I've got a story to share...
The other day I was taking a long walk to the lake, when I heard someone yell, "Hello Satchel's Mom!!!" It was one his schoolmates. I smiled at the little girl and bowed before continuing my walk. If I ever meet Ram Dass I'm going to tell him that you don't have to take LCD and get kicked out of Harvard to experience loss of the ego, just become a mom.
Inspired by the cover of one of my all time favorite books "Be Here Now", I made myself this shirt and you can order one for yourself too...just click here!
Labels: art and craft, giveaway, mama's day

What a beautiful necklace! My favorite mother's day activity is just to be with all my family and grandchildren!
My favorite Mother's Day is when my kid's were born, I love just spending time with them.
My favorite Mother's Day is always the last one with my son, he is incredible! He usually gets me flowers or a hanging basket, I love the garden and birds and sunshine!
My favorite Mothets Day was 20 yrs ago when my daughter was 12. She gave me a set of picnic dishes and we packed a lunch, went to the park and used those dishes. Best meal and best Mothers Day!
The year my son was old enough to understand "Mother's Day" and interpreted it (rightly so) to mean it meant I got to spend the whole day doing things for him. True meaning: Mother's Day isn't a celebration of me. It is a celebration of what I am blessed to be because of my children. I look forward to spending the entire day in fun with my two sweet spirits every year.
My husband buys me flowers from my pupsters each year. Love him
mine was meeting with my mom halfway (we live hours away from eachother) for a nice dinner and catching up. Hope we do something similar again this year!
I love this necklace and birds/nests. I have several birds and nests decorating my house. I remember my first mother's day 14 years ago. I always wanted to be a mother and remember that feeling, at the time being a mother for just under a month and gushing with joy!
I have a ring like this and would LOVE to have a matching necklace! My favorite Mother's Day was the year my husband surprised me and bought me a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer. He let the kids contribute by wrapping it in white butcher paper and they colored and wrote me Mother's Day messages all over the box. I was so surprised and still remember their sweet wrapping and messages every time I use my mixer.
My favorite Mothers' Day is every Mothers' Day because I'm blessed enough to be alive and here sharing life with my children!
My favorite Mother's Day is when my Husband and I gathered both our families for a Brunch :)
My favorite Mother's Day was last year. It was the first Mother's Day I celebrated as a mother of two and my husband took a picture of me with my 7 month old and 5 year old at the time, all of us with bed head, sitting in our bed. I love the picture because it's really who we are at our core and it's sparked the idea to recreate the picture every year. It'll be such a treasure when they're much older and I can look back on every Mother's Day we've celebrated.
My favorite mothers day was my first mothers day because I have always wanted children and when I had my first I was so happy.
My favorite Mother's Day is the one when I bought my mother three bars of cucumber soap from Caswell Massey in NYC. She loved them so much, I bought them for her every year thereafter and now that she's gone, I buy them for myself and remember her.
I have met Ram Dass and heard him speak as well. And what a pleasure it was. I used to own a restaurant in Santa Fe when he lived there and he would come in, but he never said who he was. We all knew. I gave my son Richard the middle name of Alpert, because Richard Alpert is Ram Dass's given name. He's now in the next dimension, so perhaps you'll meet him there.
Thank you for a lovely blog read.
My favorite mother's day so far is the year my first child was born. We had a wonderful dinner and spent the day together as a family!
Love that necklace! My favorite Mother's Day was my first one as a mom 2 years ago...it was special to have my own baby and to celebrate being a mom :)
danielleaknapp at gmail dot com
my favorite mother's day is my first one with my daughter - of course, since she was an infant, she didn't say or do anything special to help me celebrate, but it sure was special!
Once again Wendy, you are the teacher! I always feel more engerzied after reading your post. Just spent a bit of time on reading about Ram Dass!!
After three children, everyday is Mother's Day! We taught them to crawl, walk, talk, respect, and everything in between and now as adults I find myself learning from them. Their wings are wide and many times the distance hurts but that is our job so says the father! Love your blog! Barbara
Thank you for offering this lovely necklace, and for linking to RRT! My favorite Mother's Day was probably my very first Mother's Day as a mother. It was full of joy and spit-up. :)
My favorite Mothers' Day was last year. My kids each made me a card and a nice homemade gift. I loved the creativity!
sadiebeery at hotmail dot com
My favorite Mothers Day was in 2010 - our oldest graduated from college that weekend, and on the way home from that special event, we were able to stop at my youngest son's college (he hadn't been able to go with us for the weekend because it was his finals week) and have dinner with him. Seeing a child graduate from college is an amazing experience - and I got to do it again 2 years later.
Last years mothers day. My husband had my 3 kids put handprints in a giant concrete square. I loved it!
My favorite Mother's Day will be this years! I know it hasn't happened yet, but I also know that it will be a milestone day for me and my family. Our oldest is graduating this year and just got word yesterday that she was excepted into the college of her choice. University of Oregon. This is truly going to be the best Mother's Day because I am so proud and happy for her. She will be the first person in my entire family to ever go to college. My husbands family were all college graduates but not my family. We are Native American and have had some generational life struggles. My daughter has worked so hard and plans on dedicating her life's work to being a teacher in Tribal Schools and helping other young Natives to see the importance of getting a good education. I am so proud of her!!!!!
RC name: Mechele JOhnson
My favorite Mothers day was the ones I spent with my mother
My favorite Mother's Day was last year with my family at a favorite local restaurant for brunch. It was my first one celebrating as a mother myself with my son Kingston. We had the whole family get together that day and had so many laughs, stories and new memories about parenthood to share. I had a wonderful day that was filled with so much love, I was feeling very blessed.
These necklaces are simply lovely. My favorite Mother's Day was the last one when my grandmother was alive. My son was two, he is now nine, and I was able to spend it with my mother, grandmother, and beloved aunt. It was a perfect day with three of the most important women in my life and my first born son.
My favorite mother's day is when we are able to all get together and have a cookout spending quality family time
My Favorite Mothers day was my first, my son was 4 weeks early and I got to spend my first mothers day with my perfectly tiny little man and my mom, a picture I will cherish forever. It was truly an awe-inspiring moment in my life to have been such an amazing gift. He just turned 4yrs old and I still love every moment with with him. Everyday is an amazing adventure & love watching the world through his eyes :)
My favorite Mother's Day was sadly before I was even a mother....the whole family (grandmother, cousins, etc. included) went to the zoo to spend the day. We haven't done too much since my son has been born, maybe this year will be different!! :)
My favorite Mother's Day was the time my children surprised me with handmade clay chest they made for me at school along with paper flowers. My boys are grown now and buy me gifts but I really miss those days :)
My very first one!! Since it was the first lol and since then they haven't really been memorable as a single mom of one ;P But I enjoy it like every other day lol.
every mothers day is the best when i get to spend it with my kids!
My favorite Mother's Day was the year that my husband surprised me with a wonderful slideshow set to music of many pictures of me and my children since they were born!
Jenny Stanek
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