To Sense in Small Things
This week has been so full for our family, there's much to reflect upon. S enjoyed his first week at Discovery Woods immensely. On Friday, I took him to our local nature center for their first annual frog release. It was a joy.
After the froglets were released into the frog pond, the children were given "frog juice" aka limeade to celebrate. We said a toast to our little green friends and look forward to visiting the new frog pond again and again.
In the evening we joined friends for a Mexican feast then played at this cool playground until long after the sun went down and Ursa Major romped into the night sky.
Our cat, Elvis, had another health crisis and stopped eating again, as he did almost 2 years ago to the day. He had to be hydrated twice, and labs finally revealed a clue to the mystery. He now has hyperthyroidism. He begins meds and monitoring and we are all wishing he will recover. If we can stabilize him, he may be a candidate for radiation treatment and live to a ripe old age. That is our wish.
On Sunday we worked at our son's school helping to install the outdoor chalkboards that they built the day before. While we worked, Satch and M ran off to the meadow to play. Satch found a toad and the two sprites promptly built a house for it. The toad chirped in his hand and S said, "Mr. Toad is singing for the world and my hand is his stage!"
They discovered that one of the Monarchs emerged. They released it in the meadow. Then they made themselves a really cool fort.
Later we went to try a vegetarian restaurant that we had heard about called Sunflower. As I sat looking at the menu, I recognized a dish that I had only seen at one other vegetarian was in NYC. It was one of my favorite haunts and I dined there until it closed sometime after 9/11. What are the odds, right? I walked over to the owner/manager and asked if he once had a restaurant in SoHo...he smiled and said, " SoHo!". I couldn't believe it. I told him that it was a favorite of mine and that I was a regular there. I told him that I moved here just a few years ago. He was as excited as I. The food was as delicious as I remember. After eating myself into a stupor, I felt like I was home. We'll be going back on my birthday next month.

The beginning of wisdom is awe.
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