A Must See Film! (and Sensory Room)
As the film notes, 1 out of every 20 children have some form of Sensory Processing Disorder and yet it's not widely recognized. While many parents don't wish to label their children, intuition, observation, careful assessment and early intervention are the keys to help children with sensory integration issues navigate their world more smoothly. You will be inspired by the perseverance of this family as they tackle the hurdles of insurance coverage, finding practitioners, and right course of therapy.
I was touched by this film on a personal level as my son was assessed as having a mild sensory disorder. I literally wept and relived the same emotions that the Linthorsts experienced. And like the Linthorsts, I couldn't figure out what was going on with my son because he was on the mark with all his developmental markers. Satch never crawled, but went from rolling to walking so our doctor was not worried about it. And yet as Satch grew there were some behaviors that stood out to me. While I was terrified of my son being labeled, it was my duty as his mother to find out if something was going on and see that his needs were being met.
I wished I had seen this film 2 years ago, it would have made our lives much easier. This film will enlighten, inspire and empower! Thank you, Erik, for sharing Graham's story with the world!
*Please note the wonderful resource section on the film website!
Some photos of our son in the sensory room we created with finds on freecycle and craigslist. In our son's case, a daily trip to the playground is not enough input. He needs access to swinging, jumping, crashing whenever he needs it, multiple times a day...rain or shine.
Labels: SPD

Oh, good to hear this now. We have controlled our world and things are good, but I can tell my oldest needs more now, and while it may be shocking he is 7 and has never been assessed, well...anyway. Here we are. Thanks.
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