Valentine's Past & Present
The Valentine's card that I made for my husband...
A very old Valentine's card that my Grandfather sent to my Grandmother. The girl and boy do in fact resemble my grandparents, and they did have a black cat named Pywackit...

A Valentine's card that my late Dad made for my Grands with a photo of my brother and me...

The Valentine's Crayons that Satch and I made during the blizzard for his friends (from our bottomless pit of crayon nubs)...
Robert made us heart shaped pancakes for breakfast... Satch and I made Valentine's Moon Pies for our dessert that eve...
And last but not least, the Valentine's book that I made for Satch
Some scenes from Valentine's here.
Labels: celebration, corners of our home: fairgreen, ds, smackerels, valentine's day

i love the heart garland!
that pic of little you looks just like satch!
I can just feel the love in this post. Wendy, what a cute kid you were! And a beautiful woman too, :-)
We'll be at APC on Thurs. afternoon, I think, around 4ish. Maybe we'll see you?
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