Little bird, little bird,
fly through my window
Find molasses candy - Pete Seeger

Our window feeder disappeared last winter. We received a terracotta feeder from a
Freecycler, but it fell and smashed into a million pieces shortly after I hung it up. Then Robert bought a tubular plastic feeder, but the birds wouldn't use it. Eventually, the squirrels dragged the whole dang thing away. We found it weeks later in the woods, completely mangled.
A few days ago, Satch and I constructed a
bi-level bird feeder out of
milk cartons. Actually, I did the constructing and Satch did the filling. It's not very attractive, but the birds LOVED it!
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I am so inspired! Our bird feeder, the one we painted and decked out, was not a big hit with the birds. Then it fell apart! :-)
I think we'll have to put together a feeder like this one; especially since the birds in your neck of the woods are the birds in my neck of the woods, :-)
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