Art Projects For Kids & a Giveaway
Now that the warmer weather has returned we are spending more time outside. And we are loving The Jumbo Book of Outdoor Art! The book is written for older children, but parents can easily tailor the projects for little ones.
Some of our favorite projects are:
- Bubble Paintings: add a bit of dish soap to some bowls of watery tempera paints. Put a straw in the bowl and blow until overflowing with bubbles. Place your paper on top of the bubbles to create bubble art.
- Super Spider Web: this project is made with twigs, floral wire and raffia and is so adorable that we're going to make a few for the garden.
We also love The Jumbo Book of Art. It's packed with easy instructions for all sorts of projects like: puppets, cardboard castles, wish flags and mobiles!
Another wonderful book is Great American Artists for Kids by MaryAnn Kohl. The book is in full color and contains biographies of 75 American artists with related activities for children.
And because these books are so completely fabulous, Kids Can Press is generously allowing me to give away a copy of The Jumbo Book of Outdoor Art and The Jumbo Book of Art. Simply leave a comment by midnight on Friday April 1oth (and specify which book you would like to win and a contact email addy) and I will use a random generator to pick a winner. The winner will be announced Tuesday.
Labels: book basket: coloring-craft, dog-eared, giveaway

Hi Wendy
I love your book reviews. I have a wishlist for books and some of the titles on my list come from your recomendations.
Decisions, decisions. I think I will go with The Jumbo Book of Outdoor Art for the giveaway.
Thank you for sharing your great finds and an even bigger thank you for giving us the opportunity to win a copy of one of these books.
I've got my fingers crossed for this super giveaway!
Lots of love
you are always so inspiring...i can say it over and over again! and filled with great ideas and resources!
the jumbo book of outdoor art seems like a cool one!
we also love earthways by carol petrash
Hi Wendy,
I love how creative you and Satchel are in your daily lives. We have bought some of the books that you recommended, and they are all great!
Thank you so much for your inspiration and the energy you put into your blog.
I like each of the giveaway art books, but if I had to choose, I'd pick outdoor art.
Happy Spring! (yay!)
Ooh, I hope to win one of these outdoor creativity books! You know how much I like getting outside with my little one, :-)
Also, I'll mention this giveaway on my blog later today.
oh wend- i love the way your brain works. i think i'll try the tempera/bubble thing with joey later this afternoon if the rain stays away.
i'd love a chance to win the jumbo book...joey would be forever grateful :)
I love the outdoor art book giveaway.
I would LOVE to win the jumbo book of art.
Please, count me in. thanks.
tanyetta at hotmail
The Jumbo Book of Art looks really cool.
I always struggle with art projects for my kids.
I would love the outdoor art book. We could have so much fun with that.
The Jumbo Book of Art looks like its loaded with neat stuff.
The Jumbo Book of Art
the outdoor book is just what we need around here!
Love the Jumbo Book of Art
What a great giveaway ... I'd love the Great Outdoor Art book. In fact, it's good timing because our county park system is preparing to do creativity in the parks this summer. I'm very excited. I've been trying to be more open to what natural materials we can use in our art and I hope to bring that into my girls classroom.
the jumbo book of art would be fantastic. otherwise ill have to borrow it from the library
This is just the kind of thing I'd love to dive into with my girls this summer!
Thanks for such wonderful books, I love to keep my kids busy. The book I would chose is The Jumbo Book of Outdoor Art
I would like either- but probably choose the Outdoor art Book! Great Giveaway!
I'd love the outdoor art - sounds like fun!
melacan at hotmail dot com
i love your blog. such lovely photos, inspiring quotes and great ideas . please put my name in the hat for the jumbo art book.
kguite at gmail dot com
The Jumbo Book of Outdoor Art sounds awesome!! Any book you guys enjoy I know we would too!!
THe Jumbo Book of Outdoor Art sounds super! I know any book you guys enjoy we would too!! : )
My son and MOMMY would love to have copy of the JUMBO OUTDOOR ART. He is such a big fan of the outdoors and has really been in the creative and imaginative state here lately. We would so love this:)
As a mama that loves art but has a an active young boy I am always looking for ways to keep him interested! We would love the book that focuses on the outdoors.
Not a mom yet, but I work with preschoolers, so I am always looking for more suggestions! If I am the lucky pick of the random generator, I'd like the Jumbo Book of Art!
They both sound great. I think I have to go with the Jumbo Book of Art.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
tough call...either would be great...but forced to choose i'll select jumbo book of art..
angela g
I would love to win the Jumbo Book of Art. Oh the things we could create!
dbkagrayson2002 at gmail dot com
I could really use both, but since summer is coming, the Jumbo Book of Outdoor Art will likely get more immediate use.
I would LOVE to have the Jumbo Book of Outdoor Art!! I'm always looking for new things to do with my children outsude. And we do lots of art. I could use some fresh ideas.
The Jumbo book of Outdoor Art would be perfect for my 10 yr. old.
Maybe I can be a winner?!
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