There's a brand new toy store on the cyber block called
Landbridge Toys, owned and operated by the mom and dad of a boy named Graham! The
Landbridge Toys mission is to connect parents to a variety of imaginative toys from around the world like
Plan Toys, and
Tell me that this isn't one of the most clever games ever!
Stein Auf Stein or Block on Block from Haba is a game that can be played multiple ways. Young children can simply free play with the magnetic crane and blocks. Preschoolers can roll the colored die and use the crane to pick up the corresponding block to build a tower. Older children can take the game further by using the measuring stick provided to measure each player's tower.
This game was a big hit with Satch!
Later, we made a pot of
vegetarian cornbeef & cabbage (in memory of his maternal great grandma) then decorated some cupcakes with emerald green sugar and put some scraps out for the deer.
Labels: i heart, play
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