Most Alive Monday
About 5 seconds later he exclaimed in an astonished tone, "OH MY GOD", and then asked, "Datch touch it da win meel"?
Even though we explained that he couldn't actually touch the top of the windmill, he insisted on walking up to it so he could see for himself. Satch picked out three pumpkins and a dark gourd that looks like a bird. We'll be carving them this eve.
We made shrunken apple heads 2 weeks ago and we put those outside in the herb garden.
Our town hosted a fall festival with crafts and trick or treating for the children.
"It's time to go trick or treating, Satch", I said, holding his costume in my hand.
"Yeah...lets do it guys!", he squealed.
(Satch wore his lion costume, and I painted my face and dada's)
We walked to the piazza and Satch was joined by his friend H who decided not to don his pumpkin costume. Satch carried his plastic pumpkin that he saw at the grocery store and fell in love with. I had intended to make him a papier mache pumpkin or a black cat to contain his goodies, but I accepted his choice for a little piece of holiday kitsch. Satch took H by the hand and off they went.
"Treats-O-Treats", he yelled joyfully as he walked toward the open doors of the shops.
They sat on a wall near the lake laughing over some seemingly private joke between them, examining their loot and sampling a few of their treats.
The Chocolatier made hand dipped pretzels for the children and the local art gallery passed out tiny tubs of play dough. Satch tasted his first lollipop...
and ran joyfully the whole way home...sunlight glistened on the ends of his sweaty curls.
About Most Alive Monday: I've decided to make at least one "most alive choice" each day and post my favorite each Monday. This, of course, is to motivate me to consciously "live juicy"! I hope you'll join me and share your "most alive choice" in the comments section.
Labels: celebration, ds, most alive monday, video

so many gorgeous and alive moments in this post, wendy!
that video is priceless.
we just got caught up on your blog and we LOVE this video! another Aho Aho moment. busily getting ready for next week!!!! YAHOOOOO! my most alive friend!
You guys are so cute! And I love the way you captured two toddler friends having fun together. What a sweet moment. Nice action movie, too. The music you used is from one of our favorite cd's so my son really thought that was funny.
The windmill story was so cute. And the apple heads look so cool. We will have to remember that for next year.
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