Monday, August 20, 2007

Most Alive Monday

"Memories of many skies and earths beneath us - many days, many nights of stars" - Anne Morrow Lindbergh

We are back from Chincoteague Island....or the "big sandbox" according to Satch.  We splashed...
met some wild ponies...and watched the sun set from our room.


And my letterboxing adventures led me to some interesting an oyster museum and the grave of an old sea captain where a feisty thorn bush tore my leg from knee to ankle.


I discovered an old cemetery, hidden from view, where I met a few more captains.

Our most alive choice: Besides watching sunsets, playing in the sand, and looking for letterboxes and wild ponies? Besides deciding to make it an annual pilgrimage in conjunction with the Perseids (and renting a house to share with family and friends rather than staying in a hotel)? Well....
What was your most alive choice last week?
I've decided to make at least one "most alive choice" each day and post my favorite each Monday. This, of course, is to motivate me to consciously "live juicy"! I hope you'll join me and share your "most alive choice" in the comments section.


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posted by Wendy at 6:35 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha.Sometimes the dead is the most alive choice! If I could ever in my mid-century ineptitude figure out how to post pix at flickr I'd join the picture party. Alas. Give me time.

3:39 PM  
Blogger nina beana said...

my most alive choice today....despite the kids both having raging fevers (103 plus!) i put on a new pair of high heels that i bought for an upcoming wedding this weekend for john's coworker, went out into the garden with them and picked all my tomatoes. even though they got all dirty and funky, i felt alive. i love my life.


8:27 PM  

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