Friday, December 01, 2006

Mom to Mom: Pixie Campbell

Holy Holly, Batman, It's already December!!! This month it is with great joy that I introduce Pixie Campbell!

Mom: Pixie Campbell

Of: Miles Lighthorse, 14 months
State: CA
Blog: Pink Coyote

1. In what ways has becoming a mother changed you?

I now live for someone else completely!
My values are becoming more
defined-especially those having to
do with relationship skills and modeling
good behavior. When I
didn't have a baby, I was not nearly as conscious
about my habits.
Things like procrastination, not doing the task in front
of me,
having inconsistent boundaries with people, driving while fumbling

in my purse and the like, were not at the top of my list of things to

change in myself like they are now. I am a vigilant child advocate.
evaluate strangers differently. I can no longer linger in negative
situations or emotions to seek a solution, meaning my problem
skills have become much sharper. I'm a bit more arrogant
about some
things: like my need to feed my child only pesticide
free foods,
co-sleeping and refusing to go back to work until he is
ready for me to;
while being more humble about other things:
my clothes, what I can get done
in a day, and how little I know
about life's simple pleasures. To name
only a few.

2. What is one tip you would like to share about mothering?

Stay home with your babies and do not put them in daycare.
If you must
go back to work, explore creative options for taking
them with you or
leaving them for short periods with one consistent
caregiver, preferably a
trusted family member or work from home.
Reactive attachment disorder and
the ADD's so epidemic in our culture
due to attachment breaks are much
harder to heal than a budget that
can easily be downsized. Be willing to
change your life to be your child's
primary caregiver. Move if you have to.

3. What is your creative outlet/medium?

Painting, drawing, and journalling.

4. How do you find time for creativity?

Helping Miles in our ever-evolving search for sleep has allowed
me some
time lately, especially in the evenings. We started
putting him down as
early as 6pm when we discovered that he
was showing signs of being really
under-rested. Though we miss
him while he sleeps, I love finally having
some time to myself to
devote to creative enterprises.

5. Why do you blog/journal?

I keep a moleskine journal to problem solve my daily stuff
and write down
my dreams, and have used this medium to
collect my thoughts and musings
since I was a little girl.
Blogging is kind of an extension of this, but I
also do it to share
my stories with the community and practice writing.
Blogging also
makes it easy to share Miles with our worldwide group of

family and friends, saving me valuable time and energy
(and phone bills).
I enjoy being a part of a community of women
sharing ideas about life.

6. Which blogs do you frequent?

Well, I never miss this one! Among my daily stops are:
Bohemian Girl ,Superhero Designs, and Keri Smith.

7. Who are some bloggers that you would like to meet?

I would love to meet Liz, Christina and Nina.


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posted by Wendy at 6:52 AM


Blogger Allison said...

I love these mom-interviews! It is such an inspiration to hear other mothers talk about the beauty and the struggles of the job and their way of appreciating and coping. This interview was especially touching to me - Pixie, I love the way you describe how parenting has changed you - really it is such a life shifting thing! I wanted to say thank you for the interviews and thank you Pixie for being so willing to share! I am a regular reader of this blog now and will have to check out Pink Coyote!

11:16 AM  
Blogger pinkcoyote said...

This is all so sweet, Wendy. Thanks to LS for your comments! Thank you for having me on the show...


11:04 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...


7:21 AM  
Blogger nina beana said...

great interview- i read pixie's blog, but it was nice to read her answers to your questions, and get a deeper look into her mothering. and i have to admit, i'm completely flattered that she'd like to meet ME! hello! me?

anyway, thanks for having such a wonderful blog, and inspiring me to be a better mama.

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pixie, you out it all into words so well...thanks for sharing.

you are ALL so inspiring!

8:49 AM  

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