Satchel's Dada
My reply is always, "Yes I know he does, but he's not as hairy".
(I'm a big Robin Williams fan, by the way.)
- He has a smirky grin that makes him look as though he's up to some mischief.
- He has wonderful blue eyes framed by small wire spectacles.
- His hair sticks straight up in the morning like rooster.
- He walks on his toes with a happy-go-lucky kind of gait, like a boy who scored his first homerun of the summer.
- He's a loyal Royal's fan (even though they suck).
- He hates squash of any variety, brussel sprouts, cauliflower and beets.
- He LOVES peanut butter.
- He drinks chocolate milk with a spoon.
- He is a devoted daddy.
- He has a terrific sense of humor.
- Maters = Tomatoes
- Taters =Potatoes
- Crakes = Pancakes
- Spin Och = Spinach
- Posster = Pasta
- Paramecium = Parmesan
- Sloppy Bro's = Sloppy Joe's
- French Roast = French Toast
- Scrubway = Subway
- Stupidity = Humidity
- Code = Cold
- Fadge itus = Fajitas
- Samich = Sandwich
- Booger King = Burger King
- David Buoy = David Bowie
- Miluk = Milk
- Co Kola = Coca Cola
- Ah Guar = Agua/Water
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