Road Trip - Satchel's First Christmas!
Christmas morning I woke to a misty light and wondered if it was snow or fog. I carefully sat up (so not to wake the babe) and looked out the window. It was fog and there were rain drops clinging to the birch branches. They looked just like my tiny ornaments from Smith & Hawken. I lay back down next to Satchel and listened to the sound of his breath. I breathed in his scent and filled my lungs with him. He stirred awake and reached for me. He touched my face and hair and I whispered, "gentle, gentle" as he is unaware of his powerful grip. I let him wake slowly and waited for his boistrous giggle...his signal that he is indeed ready to begin the day. He is a happy child. He has many smiles, all of which send shivers of joy down my spine. His daddy (banished to sofa-land for beastly snoring) climbed back into bed to play with his son. We play until his grammy and grampa wakes. The smell of hot coffee lures us out of our cozy quilt nests. My mother, sensing that we miss NYC, purchased a bag of "Chock Full O' Nuts - SoHo Morning Roast" and it was surprisingly delicious. It reminded me very much of Bubby's where my husband and I went for brunch on our first date. While the adults warmed their bellies with steaming cups of coffee, Satchel began ripping paper off his first gifts. He seemed to know they were his and was excited to participate. Our son has charmed the entire family with his knowing glances, infectious smiles and deep belly laughs. He received many gifts and we're thankful for everyone's generosity.
Labels: christmas, ds
posted by Wendy at 9:25 AM

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