Ode to January: Something Sacred
Wherein we had two beautiful albeit dangerous snow storms. I planned ahead and brought the clinic lap top home in anticipation of the a closing, and was fortunate to be able to work from home as the roads in my neighborhood were not passable. The juncos arrived marking the official start of winter. I filled the feeders before, during and after the storm to help the feathered kin. Due to a are arctic blast, temps dipped down into the single digits which is highly unusual for this area. A retired pilot who lives in the neighborhood did a flyover and drew a smiley face in the sky which was oh so enchanting. My hope for this coming year is ease, balance and vitality. May it shift from survive to thrive. May some gorgeous twist of fate remove the monsters hellbent on destroying all we that have built, and may decency, peace, and hope return. So may it be for me, so may it be for you, so may it be for all.

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