Monday, July 02, 2007

Mom to Mom: Karen Maezen Miller

It is a great honor for me to introduce Karen Maezen Miller, author of "Momma Zen". I read her book last summer. Now dog-eared and love-worn, I still refer to it when I need a little centering. For me, "Momma Zen" is more than a's like a sacred text of motherhood with passages so poignant, they have become my daily mantras. It is reassuring to know that this kindred mama is walking the "Crooked Path of Motherhood" before me. Her humanness and spirituality is a light that helps me find my own way along the "Cheerio Road".

Karen Maezen Miller
Of : Georgia, age 7
Where: California
Blog: Momma Zen

1. In what ways has becoming a mother changed you?

Me? She's not here. I had to chase that old girl out of this house! Seriously, life before and after is beyond comparison, although I compare it all the time. Before I was a mother, I lived in a small world of big things. Now I live in a big world of small things. Motherhood teaches me every day that this life isn't what I think it is. It is so much more! Being Georgia's mother is such a kick in the keister. It helps me let go of my striving to be somebody else. Somebody richer, younger, more famous, with someone else's hair color, waist and hips. Someone popular. It's a relief to give up and let me be me, because then I can more easily let Georgia be Georgia in all her bloom and shine.

2. What is one tip you would like to share about mothering?

Ooh, I hesitate to offer tips. Perhaps that's the tip. We spend so much time looking for ways to do this the right way. It is a trap. Of course, some practical aid can be helpful, but often what underlies our questioning is the certainty that we are doing it the wrong way. As long as we are convinced that we are doing it wrong, all the tips in the world will never assure us otherwise. I always say that there is no right way to parent, but there is always a right now way. Your child is showing you what he or she needs right now. (Usually, it's nothing from you at all. Put those flash cards down.)

3. What is your creative outlet/medium?

Somedays it is cooking. Somedays it is sorting the colors from the whites. Somedays it is plotting to sell 35 Barbies and 55 My Little Ponies at a garage sale. Somedays it is writing an oh-so-clever turn of a phrase. Yes I am a writer, but if that was the only thing I saw as creative then I would be quite disappointed with my output. (BTW, I am quite disappointed with my output.) Everything we do is creative because we are creation itself. This is really hard to believe about ourselves. So let me also say that one of the most exciting creative outlets I now have is teaching yoga. I encourage everyone with a creative block to do shoulder stand. I could never have birthed a book without shoulder stand.

4. How do you find time for creativity?

See above answer. There's all the time in the world; I just don't perceive it creatively. Honestly, a few years from now when you watch your heart, your love, your precious one strap on a backpack and go to school each day, you'll see what flows out of you in the daily time allotted. Every season of life has its own effortless expression.

5. Why do you blog/journal?

Ego, pure ego. Also as a commitment to writing. To give and receive wisdom and encouragement. To remind myself that, even in my solitude, I am never alone.

6. Which blogs do you frequent?

Yours, always yours. Also I'm devoted to:
Siobhan at Ittybits & Pieces
Irene at Momster
Amy at Mojo Mom
Kathryn at A Mindful Life
Leah at Mama Dharma

All gloriously genuine women at different places in the puzzle and posting purely from the heart. If you gab mostly about what's cool or hip, mojitos or martinis, what Jesus or Buddha said, chances are we don't interest one another. And "frequent" is the right word. I read the same old postings several times a day. How I wish we lived close by! Nevermind, I guess we do.

7. Who are some bloggers that you would like to meet?

Everyone of course. It would probably be like seeing the White House, Disneyland or Tom Cruise for the first time. Everyone much smaller in real life, in which case we could all fit into my tiny living room and pass the Pirate Booty. With mojitos.


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posted by Wendy at 5:59 AM


Blogger Shawn said...

Great questions, Wendy. I enjoyed these. And, the pictures are great of Karen and Georgia. So glad to meet you.

9:04 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Glad to meet you too, Shawn. I enjoyed your interview also.

6:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful! I can't wait to cruise over to MZ and hear more of Karen's brilliant words. It's odd, the words of some people are just amazingly inspiring-like just what we need to hear in that moment. Thank you, w, for bringing such yummy mamas here for all of us to meet!

xoxo p

5:39 PM  

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