Lola's Best and Favourite Hair Clips Tutorial

This weekend we're attending the 4th birthday party of Satchel's friend, R. It's a Charlie & Lola party because it is absolutely completely her favorite show. So I made Miss R a set of Lola's hair clips!
Tutorial below! *and please take a moment to nominate the clips for "Favorite Handmade Goodies for Kids in the 2010 Kiddie Olympics" - Voting begins next month!
We also bought her these super funky pop-beads! They're phthalate-free and way cool, in lush, earthy colors like chocolate, mango, and kiwi. Artistically crafted in wonderful shapes like raspberries and urchin shells. S'wonderful!
Labels: art and craft, celebration, kid craft

What a great tutorial and photos!
What a fabulous tutorial! I love the photos and directions!!
My girl is madly in love with these clips ;-)
She can't wait to make her very own!xo
So so beautiful!! :)
Hi! I animated on Charlie and Lola series 1 and 3, and just wanted to say how lovely these are! And the little ceramic Lola too. Keep up the good work!
You are my favourite and my best!
and to everyone else, you are really absolutely my favourites too.
Have fun making them, and enjoy the cute little kidlets wearing them.
W- this is brilliant!
These are SO CUTE!! I blogged your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:
Lovin' those pop beads, too!!
Aww, these are so cute! What a great idea. I just clicked over from Craft Gossip and I'm so glad I did. I would love to link to this if you didn't mind.
they are so pretty. oh how I would love to make some. to bad I have twin boys.
I don`t think they would go for that look.
Brilliant tutorial, think I might make some of these for me and I'm 40 next week :)
twiggy x
so cute thanks for sharing
Thank you so much for this post on the Lola clips. I just posted the ones I made from your tutorial.
I love them!!!
My daughter is going to love this hairclip tutorial. Thank you very much.
super! thank you!! (perfect for my little Charlie & Lola addict ::) I posted a link to your tutorial on my blog. hope you don't mind!
Holy cow, these are GREAT! I'm definitely making these for my daughter - she's going to flip with excitement! Thank you :)
Lovely!! Wonderful idea, excellent tutorial, and super, super cute!!!
i really love them and have to make a pair for my daughter.
thanks a lot.
i set a link. i hope you'll agree.
many greetings, doro.
Oh Charlie, aren't these the best?!?
I JUST LOVE THEM! We love Charlie & Lola... my daugher is starting to get older, but I think I can still sneak these into her hair and will love them! :)
THanks for the great tut.
They are fabulous Wendy! I am not sure who loves them and my friend Jen or our kids!!!
Aw, thanks, Lissy! Enjoy them and spread the love!
My daughter ADORES Charlie & Lola! She had a C&L party for her 4th b-day party. We'll have to make some of these!
These are so cute! I'm wondering if I can talk my almost 8 year old into wearing them of if she's "too old." Maybe I'll just wear them. :)
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