Sunday, March 31, 2024

Ode to March

 Wherein we drove through a low cloud; and the "neoplasm of uncertain behavior' was removed along with my ovaries and fallopian tubes on Friday (it took longer than expected because they found my hernia mesh in an unexpected place and had to cut that out too); Charlee and Cinder stayed by my side as I convalesced the weekend and watched "Poor Things" which was a work of art; the mancub helped out; and my neighbors made me lasagna, and paid for two house cleanings whilst I'm on the mend for the next 6-12 wks; my team gave me a very generous card for uber eats so I wouldn't have to think about cooking right away; and I negotiated with employee health and my surgeon to return to work allow me to return to light duty on Wednesday - you read that right: surgery Friday RTW Wednesday- (because I do not want 2 weeks of PTO nor pay);  I am not allowed to pull, push, lift, run or stand for prolonged periods for at least 6 wks; there were gorgeous sunsets; and the mancub saved up enough money to buy another car  (it's even nicer than his first!); thus I no longer have to pay to cover him on my auto insurance which was a major financial strain; shortly thereafter his radiator went and he navigated that on his own by taking it a reputable fam owned biz that I told him about and they gave him a loaner during the fix and a 3 year warranty, but it drained his acct.  He didn't call AAA for his tow, so I advised him to call them and they ended up reimbursing him which gave him some gas money for his otherwise drained bank acct; there was also an enchanting fox candle, a magical necklace, hidden chocolate, thrift store finds for work wardrobe, blood oranges and pasteis de nata; some unseasonably warm days, and blooming everywhere.  On Easter, my shift got cancelled so we drove to Petite Lou Lou for crepe and some cadburry egg croissants to take home, then sweet potato gnocci with savory veggie sausage and spinach in a sage butter sauce.

Easter Crepe

6+ hours later...


To my right: Charlee Chihiro Teatime-Toes Patchouli Chaplin

On my legs: Cinder Chanel Susuwatari Pyewacket Panther

Secret chocolate stash

Only in rural VA LOL


Too delicious!
More ease please.

Sunrise: Morning Commute

Sunrise: Morning Commute








































*More healing to the mighty girl who is on her own journey for whom I held sunset vigils.

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posted by Wendy at 5:00 AM


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