Ode to March
Where in it was a busy month:
- I had an infusion for osteoporosis which seriously kicked my ass with
fever and pain for 2 days, and took a good week to feel like myself.
Grateful to be under the care of this doc who is THE best in her field. My neighbor dropped of her delicious rice and beans which was a great help as I could not even get out of bed.
- I was moved from Fam Med to Specialty Practice which gets me out the covid petri dish. They don't see sick pts in specialty practice. There is much to learn which gives me some mild anxiety, but I know it will take time. H bought cupcakes. I will miss the team.
- I'm almost finished with PT which will save me $40/wk in copays. I've been incorporating some of the exercises at home, tho I really need for our neighborhood gym to be built so I can use the leg press. I'm not going to buy equipment when I already pay HOA fees for a yet to be built gym/pool.
- I got an employee discount with Verizon which lowers my bill by 4/mo - every little bit helps.
- I got an employee discount on my lab tests too - every little bit helps.
- Most of my Fridays this past month have been spent at doctor's offices, catching up on postponed appts due to pandemic...
My retina doc moved an extra 30 min away so I saw his associate. He found a hemorrhage and sent me back to my cardiologist for eval, however he said my arteries are great, my bp 109/62, no hyperlipidemia, no diabetes, no change in my ecg since last visit. Thankful. He sent everything over to the retina doc.
I then saw my regular eye doc who staggers my yearlies 6 mos apart with retina...they've been following me this way for many years to monitor. She said she didn't see the hemorrhage he reported last week. And aside from needing stronger lenses, everything looks as expected. This was a relief.
- MG finally addressed the poorly sized slipcover that we bought right before we moved here.
- We had 60 degree weather followed by a blizzard.
- The last of the warranty repairs (dry wall) is scheduled.
- A furnace part got recalled and Goodman sent the parts in January without following up for installation. Impossible to get thru so I called the AG and a week later it was done. And now my neighbors are getting scheduled and they think it was due to my call.
- I tried making vegetarian corned beef and cabbage yet again, and it sucked so I set a reminder to stick to Colcannon which has always been delicious.
- The IEP meeting for the cub went well and he's agreed to double up on math next year in return for an extra study hall to complete work. He refuses to take school work home. He's very stubborn. He wanted to take the minimum and have an early dismissal, but I told him that he can't walk home because this is rural VA, there are no sidewalks along the highway. He said I was being over protective - until everyone in the meeting said they would not let their own kids walk home. It takes a village. He's doing better socially, and he's getting good grades, tho motivation has always been an issue, as well as staying on task. Still trying to get him to repeat and pass his driver's permit test. I feel like I'm nagging. He also wants to work at the bait shop this summer since it's in our neighborhood and he can get there himself, but he has not yet called them. He's been doing his chores with minimal reminders. I'm happy to see all the growth.
- Got all the tax docs over to my accountant.
- Got the garden beds ready.
- Got the spring cleaning done.
- Got another raise effective next month.
- Made 2 delicious pizzas
Brussel Sprout Vegetarian Sausage - Thankful for the friend who waxed Keats and made me laugh.
- Marked and mourned the passing of my father.
- Watched the sunrise
- Found an old ladder behind the shed at Lucketts to use as a towel rack
- The cub hung the birdhouse that my uncle gave me for xmas
*It is exhausting being a widowed mother, having to do all the things that I did as a sahm, AND working full time. I will never again take for granted all the work I did as a SAHM. It's hard to juggle it all. There is so little free time. I'm tired more often than not. I'm envious of those who have family near by that pitch in. I'm also envious of men who go to and fro their careers then come home to a meal on the table, and everything done. All those years I had never fully understood the value of the service I provided.