Monday, October 25, 2010

What's Worth

"You can tell what's worth a celebration because your heart will POUND and you'll feel like you're standing on top of a mountain and you'll catch your breath like you were breathing some new kind of air." - Byrd Baylor (I'm in Charge of Celebrations)

Sometimes we just need to. We need to drive to the mountains, especially in Autumn when the colors are so many. We need to stand on 1 billion year old rocks...

and watch the sun set, and celebrate the glory of it with dinner at 3,000 feet...

and feel all swirly when the sun disappears completely and the lights from the towns in the valley turn on and it looks like the stars are shining above and below and we're just floating there.

Sometimes we need to feel our hearts soar like they did at Cirque du Soleil's Ovo. Sometimes I need to watch you soak it all in, cautiously releasing your sensory related concerns that someone may touch you, hiding your face then relaxing into wide eyed awe - unfolding yourself like a leaf. Sometimes we need to celebrate wonders and unfoldings and eat veggie burgers at the National Harbor with your school chums - riotous laughter engulfing the kiddie table.

Sometimes we need a little merriment and mirth at the renaissance festival, and watch the glass artist make a goblet from a glob of melted sand and play Drench the Wench and yell HUZZAH to the talented, witty actress who made us laugh, shouting mild insults at the crowd for a dunk.

Sometimes you need to push past your SPD and ride a pony for the first time. Sometimes I need to hold my breath and wait for your expression to change from fear to joy.

When you cheer at the joust, I cheer for you, for your closed fists opening to touch...

and for the tilt of your head looking up at the stilt walkers...

and for saying that you can't wait to do it all again next Autumn...and for seeing you in your robot pajamas clomping around the dining room table on your green monster stilts, imagining!

You sense this world, this life more sharply than most - every sight, sound, scent, taste, touch, texture received deeply without filters. And the rest of us? We seem to sail more calmly, our perceptions dulled with our own experience and illusion of time. Perhaps we could all use a smidge of your awareness.

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posted by Wendy at 5:43 AM


Blogger denise said...

oh, yes. lovely.

12:07 AM  

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